Saturday, April 30, 2011

A day of suds and sun!!

  • Catherine, Tram, Patty, Yuree, Anella, Hong-Yen, Dan-Vy, Jason, Ha and my Dad
  • Especially to Les Schwab Tukwila for allowing me to do the carwash at their site
  • Hong-Yen for the extra hose, Mary S. for the treats, and Jason for the pizzas!
 At the end of the day, minus costs, I received $220 in donations!
Setting up!
Short lunch break

My sister!
Dan-Vy and Ha hard at work
Patty and I, 8+ years of friendship!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Carwash is Happening!

I've got a taker! LES SCHWAB TUKWILA!!!

So if you need your car washed or want to lend a hand or just to stop by and say hi, come on APRIL 3O, 2011! I'll be there at 10:30 and will stay until at least 3pm! 

Hopefully it won't rain!! :) 

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Hujambo! (Hello) Habari gani? (How's it going?)
 Jina langu ni Veronica. Nina toca merikani. (My name is Veronica. I'm from the U.S.)

Maybe I'll see this view from my teaching village in a month...Mt. Kilimanjaro!

Attending prefield meetings have been very informational and insightful. Every week, as SIC volunteers, we are responsible for core readings for different topics related to Africa, HIV/AIDS or Tanzanian lifestyle and culture and then we discuss important points at the meeting. This week, we focused on the history of aid in Africa, sustainability of aid and the ethics of volunteering abroad. We also continued our studies of key Swahili verbs and phrases. I just began listening to a couple Swahili audio cds to continue learning.

I can't believe I leave in ONE MONTH! Which means there is much to do in very little time! Packing, wrapping things up at my lab, and preparing my medical school application, in addition to more fundraising!!! I'm at $1200 now. What else should I do?? Will you, friends, who haven't donated, consider a contribution? :) 

You'll get a giant hug from me! And immense gratitude.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Goal Update

Thanks to my generous family and friends, I have fund-raised $1000!!! :)

$4000 left to go!!! It's been a long week...back to the drawing board on more fundraising...

By the way, a word on this photograph: After my bake sale, I had my first pre-field meeting with my UW SIC coordinator, Emi, and the group of volunteers from UW. I had to walk through the famed Quad on the University of Washington campus and I did not realize that it was the time of the full blooming of the cherry blossoms. What a beautiful sight it was! It served as a reminder of the simple things in life that makes it wonderful. I had some leftover baked goods so I thought I'd hand them out there. Then I met a new friend, David, who offered to take my picture! :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

After the baking...

$4400 left to go!!!

Brownie batter

Marshmellows for rice krispies


Good friends lending a hand

Miss Chloe in the background there...
Cathedral Hall, St. James

*Not to scale

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bake Sale and Tabling at St. James!

Today is the day! Wish me luck! Or visit me at St. James in the Cathedral Hall and check out my goodies! I'll be there all morning! :)

St. James Cathedral: 9th and Marion

It's been a long day but a fun day! Pics will be up later...